Local Government Act Reforms Submission

Local Government Act Reforms Submission

Local Government Act Reforms Submission

25th February 2022


As the peak women's group in Local Government, we need to ensure that the proposed Local Government Act reforms are not going to negatively impact nor discourage women in their roles either now, or in the future. ALGWA WA members were invited to provide their feedback on the proposed reforms via phone, email and in person at an event.  It is important that any reforms are viewed from a women’s perspective to ensure that there are no unintended consequences nor any new barriers that inhibit female participation in Local Government.

We thank Lynne Craigie OAM for her guidance and facilitation of our in person event, our wonderful life members Marion Blair OAM and Janet Davidson OAM JP for their feedback and for the WAWA committee and members for participating in this submission.

Our submission:

ALGWAWA Response - Local Government Act Reform



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